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Andy Keel is known from Swiss TV and his 100+ key notes for diversity & CO2 net zero in construction.

Under the claim #leadthechange #GenX he is trying to drive #co2netzero and is dedicating all his resources* to that topic.

Because it matters.

This website and profile may be perceived as elitist, narcissistic and capitalistic. However, with my foundational education and professional experience, I possess a comprehensive understanding of these top level dynamics and actively apply them in my roles and ventures.

Under dedicating all my *resources I understand time, courage, network, visibility, supporting innovative ideas, and challenging entrenched perspectives, particularly within the Baby Boomer and Generation X demographics.

It is important to acknowledge that a significant majority (of the elite) mainly allocate financial resources while continuing their private und business lives with little regard for the implications of climate change. I have even observed "green tech founders" who, after achieving financial success, purchased luxury yachts.

Let's break it down: I'm totally over the me me me & "Founders hype" and the endless circus of startup antics! But guess what? I'm also done playing nice with the old guard in those corporate boardrooms. If we want a green, diverse and healthy future, the real magic happens in those stuffy meetings! #leadthechange - because it matters.

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Photo credit: Beat Mumenthaler